All Our Worlds: Diverse Fantastic Fiction

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1 book by S A Hunt

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The Whirlwind in the Thorn Tree
by S A Hunt
Ross Brigham comes home from Afghanistan to discover his father Ed, a notable fantasy author, has died. When Ross begins to investigate his father's death after the nearly 200-attendee funeral, he and two loyal fans discover a key that leads them to the parallel world in his father's gunslinger novels -- and a secret war that's been raging since the beginning of time. Rebelling against the pact they made with the gods for immortality, the muses have turned from inspiring art to inspiring atrocities -- and it's up to Ross, Sawyer, and Noreen to put a stop to it before every dimension goes up in flames.
Gay character, bi character, asexual characters, black character in third book, society of all-female warriors, Middle Eastern fantasy world and Central/East Asian fantasy world, mental illness and physical disability.
gay, bisexual, race, setting, disability, , race Central Asian, Middle Eastern, Mental_Illness 2013 Adult

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gay lesbian
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genderqueer race
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multiple culture all-female
disability poly
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intersex aromantic

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